Trina Solar – a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, specializing in the production of photovoltaic modules based on crystalline silicon – sent a letter of intent, in which it confirms its serious interest in the technology developed by XTPL.

– The XTPL technology, allowing to print very narrow electrically conductive lines, can have a significant impact on the global technology of producing silicon solar cells, since it enables a significant reduction of power losses associated with metallization of these solar cells. Now it is necessary to further develop the XTPL technology from a laboratory scale to a high level of production readiness. The technology, in case of a successful scaling to industrial conditions, fits very well into the so-called technological roadmap for silicon solar cells at Trina Solar. We look forward to working with the XTPL team – says Dr. Pierre Verlinden, senior vice president and chief scientist at Trina Solar.

Talk – Action = Bullshit