QuarticOn is a technology company listed on NewConnect which offers e-commerce services in SaaS (Software as a Service). It develops tools using artificial intelligence to help online shops sell products and maintain contact with customers. “We are not an advertising company, but a virtual reseller based on artificial intelligence algorithms that adapt to each user separately. We are building a technology which with the use of artificial intelligence will do the job of an e-commerce manager.” said Paweł Wyborski in an interview with Paweł Biedrzycki. The QuarticOn software is already used by 320 stores, and this is just the beginning. In the near future, the company plans to achieve BEP (Break Even Point) and develop sales in the self-service model of sales through SaaS platforms. In addition, QuarticOn is running several pilot projects on artificial intelligence algorithms that can be used in both online and offline trading.
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